Class 1
Click on pigeon to see our class timetable for the week. Things are very fluid in grade 1, but we try our best to stick to a schedule!
Grade 1 students should be reading an average of 15 minutes or more each night.
Other assignments on this tab will be optional.
Reminders are also posted to this page.
The Latest Scoop
Check this page out to see our current focus on each subject!
(Click Piggie to open the page)
Click the link:
Click on Trixie and Knuffle Bunny to find your spelling sort for the week
Helpful Links
Every now and then, I come across interesting, insightful, helpful, and funny articles that help me understand 6 year olds a little better, or give me a new perspective on teaching...instead of flooding your emails with links and silly memes, I'll share them here...if you come across anything good, email me the links and I'm happy to post them here as well!
After School Meltdowns
Inside the First Grader's Brain
21 ways to ask your child about their day at school
Here is a link to more links - Online Story Sites for Children
starfall abcya brainpopjr nasa nationalgeographickids
Place Value Games: If you have Lego at home, this is something you can use to practice place values, click link HERE
STEAM links (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics)
Fun things you can try at home to keep your child engaged!