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Service Areas

Traffic Duty

We need parents to help keep our school families safe at pick-up and drop-off. If you would like to help with a shift from 8:30-9:00 am  or 2:50-3:20 pm and 1:50-2:20 on Wednesdays we would greatly appreciate it. Please email Lia Munro to enquire.

Christmas Concert

Sacred Heart School takes pride in our annual Christmas concert. A great deal of time and effort is put into showcasing each class with a variety of songs and an entertaining yet reflective storyline acted by our grade 7's. Costumes and props are a large part of our concert, and any help from school families is greatly appreciated in the creation, making and sourcing of these materials. 

Please use the sign-up form for this service area when it becomes available in December.

Christmas Market


The Sacred Heart Christmas Market is graciously accepting donations and volunteers.

If you have been busy canning we would greatly appreciate it if you could put aside a jar or two for our Christmas Market! (Health regulations require that all jars are sealed with lids, not wax). Baking Booth: Hello Bakers! We are looking for your donations of delicious homemade baked goods for our Baking Booth. Please ensure all baking items are in disposable containers and labelled "Baking Booth". Items can be dropped off at the school gym after 3pm on Friday, Nov 4 or before 9am on Saturday, Nov 5.Tea Room: The famous Tea Room is looking for cakes & treats suitable to be cut into small squares for the Tea Room. Please ensure all baking items are in disposable containers and labelled "Tea Room". Items can be dropped off at the school gym after 3pm on Friday, Nov 4 or before 9am on Saturday, Nov 5.Cake Walk: The popular cake walk is back for another year! We need single layered decorated cakes for this fun game. Please ensure all cakes are in disposable containers and labelled "Cake Walk". Cakes can be dropped off at the school gym after 3pm on Friday, Nov 4 or before 9am on Saturday, Nov 5.The ladies of the St. Monica Guild graciously thank you for all your generous donations!Contact: 

Please access the Sign-Up form from the side menu.

Kitchen and Hot Lunches

Kitchen Clean Up Coordinator:  Plan and manage the clean up of the kitchen on a weekly basis.

Hot Lunch Coordinator: Plan, order and manage the delivery of food for our monthly Spirit Days.

Hot Lunch Helpers: Assist in the preparation and delivery of hot lunches on the monthly Spirit Days

Concession at Sporting Events: Prepare and sell coffee, drinks and pre-packaged foods at sporting events in the gym. 


The Parish Education Committee (PEC) assists the Pastor in the operation of the school. The PEC is composed of the Pastor, the Chair and six other members. Five members are elected and the Pastor appoints two members. Eligibility, term of office and responsibilities are outlined in the CISVA Policy and Reference Book. The PEC meets monthly. All members are expected to be in attendance at all meetings. The Chair heads all Education Committee meetings.

The main PEC roles and various subcommittees are as follows: (These may be permanent or temporary)

The Chair
The Chair of the PEC is to work closely with the Pastor and the Principal. The responsibilities of the Chair are listed below.

  • Chair all meetings of the PEC;
  • Prepare a meeting agenda with Pastor and Principal;
  • Ensure that a quorum is present;
  • Ensure that policies and decisions of the PEC are executed;
  • Make available to members information that is distributed by the Central Office of the CISVA;
  • Process all correspondence on behalf of the committee;
  • Represent the PEC at Parish Council meetings;
  • Ensure that all duties of PEC officers are executed;
  • Be a signing officer on PEC documents.


The Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair of the Education Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • To be acting Chair during the Chair‘s absence;
  • To be the Society delegate/representative;
  • To carry on any other duties as assigned.


The Treasurer
The Treasurer of the Education Committee is responsible to the PEC for reporting the re-ceipt of all monies received by Sacred Heart School as income or disbursed for school ex-penditures on behalf of either the CISVA or Sacred Heart School. Other responsibilities of the Treasurer are:

  • Ensure that all monies described above are held and operated in bank accounts under the title of the CISVA or Sacred Heart School;
  • Share responsibility with the Pastor for the supervision of bank accounts under the above named titles;
  • Ensure that an effective accounting/bookkeeping system exists to properly and accu-rately record all financial transactions;
  • Be a signing officer on all Sacred Heart School bank accounts;
  • Monitor expenditures and receipts with regards to the budget.
  • Coordinate the preparation of an annual budget in consultation with the Pastor, other PEC members, office manager and the Principal;
  • Submit to PEC members a monthly printed financial report.


The Secretary
The secretary of the Education Committee has the following responsibilities;

  • Ensure proper and thorough reporting and documentation of all meetings;
  • Take attendance at all committee meetings;
  • Distribute to all members of the committee the minutes of the previous meeting;
  • Ensure minutes are received by members at least one week prior to meetings;
  • Collect reports from sub committees;
  • Reply to and process Education Committee correspondence in consultation with the Chair;
  • File all correspondence, minutes and reports.


Fundraising Representative

  • To oversee the fundraising in the school and to be a liaison between the two major fundraising committees (e.g. Dinner Dance Auction and Walkathon).
  • Bring proposals for fundraising to the PEC
  • Provide a monthly report to the PEC as needed


Parent Participation Representative

  • Coordinate and monitor the parent participation program including updating the parent participation forms included with the yearly registration package;
  • Communicate all pertinent information to the parents;
  • Consult with the Pastor, Chair and Principal regarding any parent requests for reduc-tion in hours;
  • Bill and follow-up with all families for non-fulfillment of participation hours and maintain communication with the office manager/bookkeeper
  • Provide a monthly report to the PEC as needed


Uniform Representative

  • Be a liaison between the uniform supplier and the school
  • Organize the uniform ordering dates
  • Facilitate the sale of second hand uniforms
  • Ensure, with the School Administration‘s help, that students are adhering to the uni-form code.
  • Bring any uniform concerns or possible changes to the PEC
  • Provide a monthly report to the PEC as needed


For more information please contact the PEC

PREP and Children's Liturgy

PREP Teacher: Tuesday Evenings. 25-50 Hours.

Assistant Teacher: (information coming soon)

Children's Liturgy Leader: 9am Mass on Sunday's.  10 Hours total.  Some prep time required outside of Mass times.


For more information or to sign-up, please contact Tanya Weatherly, the Volunteer Coordinator.


Library Volunteer Coordinator: (position currently filled) This is a single position which is ongoing throughout the school year.  Responsibilities include:

  • recruiting library volunteers by writing announcements for the  Newsletter and the website, as well as recruiting volunteers at the AGM.   
  • updating a library volunteer schedule before each term of the school year
  • updating volunteer contact information 
  • scheduling volunteers for training sesssions
  • communicting with all library volunteers to keep everyone up to date on the library schedule

Book Buying: (position currently filled) This is a single position which is ongoing throughout the school year. Responsibilities include:

  • ordering books online, requesting invoices and product be shipped to the school.
  • staying within a yearly budget.
  • using a 'library collection assessment', the Library Catalogue & an ongoing wish list to focus your book buying from a number of Resellers/Publishers
  • review marketing material from various Publishers and suggesting possible purchases to the Librarian.

Book Fair Coordinator: (position currently filled) This is a single position which occurs twice a year, usually in late October and early April. Responsibilities include:

  • Communicating with a Scholastic Representative and the School Librarian to schedule our two book fairs
  • ensuring that all library volunteers have organized and distributed all promotional material at least one week before the Book Fairs.
  • managing Book Fair volunteer sign up and sending reminders to them before their shifts.
  • Organizing the set-up and clean up of tables and books before and after the events
  • Managing and training the Book Fair Volunteers
  • Scheduling classroom visits to the book Fair.
  • Book Fair Accounting and managing the float.

Book Fair Set-Up: (position currently filled)  Moving tables, chairs and books to set up an appealing display of the books for sale. 

Book Fair Sales: Involves selling books and managing table displays. There are normally three or more shifts each day throughout the Book Fair and the times and dates will vary.  The Fairs usually take place in the Fall and the Spring, and a specific sign-up form will be advertised preceding each fair.    Please Note; These hours are NOT worth double as they have been in the past.  

Book Covering: (position currently filled) This job can be done at home or at the school, and requires some special equipment and a little training.  The amount of work fluctuates as the books tend to be purchased in waves.  All new softcover books in the library must be covered by a sticky laminate in order to protect the covers.

Cataloguing: (position currently filled) This job requires a few hours of training at a minimum and it must be done at school.  It is often done by the volunteers who have signed up to work the circulation desk, but can really be done at any time.  In fact, arrangements can be made for you to work in the evenings if this suits you better.  This job involves using computer software and reference books to label and place all new books into the appropriate area of the library.

Circulation Desk: (position currently filled) There are two shifts each day for the Circulation Desk;  8:30-12:00 and 12:00-3:30.  Most volunteers commit to a regularly scheduled bi-weekly shift and continue this schedule throughout the year, although the schedules are made each term to allow for some flexibility.  Responsibilities include;

  • checking books in and out throughout the day
  • shelving, organizing and tidying the books
  • printing and delivering notices to students and teachers
  • placing labels and protective tape on books and performing minor repairs to books
  • gathering book collections for teachers

Uniforms, Laundry & Lost and Found

New Uniform:

Used Uniform Coordinator: One parent is needed to organize the used uniforms and periodic sales of these items. The number of hours varies for this job.

Laundry:  Throughout the year three parents are needed to wash table cloths, team jerseys, 1st Communion & Confirmation gowns and other miscellaneous items.  The number of hours varies for this job.

Lost & Found Sorter: Three parents are needed to rotate once a week for the school year to sort and distribute all clearly labeled lost and found items to their rightful owners.  Unlabeled uniforms go to the Used Uniform Inventory and all other unidentifiable items must to be taken to the thrift store at the end of each month.

Watering and Gardening

Please see our Facilities Manager, Sean Doolan for details or contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Megan Bourhill to sign up. 

Field Trips / Driving

The need for parent drivers will be communicated through permission forms for each event.  For example, if there is an 'away game' for soccer, then a permisson form will be sent to you along with a request for parent drivers.

Drivers must have a valid diver's license and have completed the 'Police Informatioin Check', with copies of these documents on file in the school office.