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Hot Lunch Instructions

Hot Lunch & Snack Information

Welcome back to another school year at Sacred Heart.

Our hot lunch program will continue with online ordering for 2024/2025 using  Payment for your orders is done online using PayPal or Credit Card.

How to Register

Ordering Details

  • As in the past, hot lunch will be offered once a month coinciding with our Spirit Days.
  • The $2.00 Missions Club Donation is listed as a menu item for each hot lunch day. Please be sure to add this to your lunch order as you would any other food item if your child will be out of uniform that day.
  • Ordering is available per Season and the office will send email reminders to place your orders.

Before each hot lunch day, you will receive a personalized email to your registered email address reminding you, in detail, what was ordered for hot lunch. Please share this with your kids so they know what to expect the next day. If your child is absent on a lunch date, you are welcome to come pick up their lunch from the front office at noon. Consistent with previous years, there are no refunds offered.

If you have any questions or need help using the online ordering system, please contact our Hot Lunch Coordinators, Erika Helps, who will be happy to help you!  

Thank You!