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The Role of the PEC

The Parish Education Committee (PEC) will assist the Pastor in the operation of the school as outlined in the CISVA Policy and Reference Book. The PEC is composed of the Pastor, the Chair and six other members. Five members are elected and the Pastor appoints two members. Eligibility, term of office and responsibilities are outlined in the CISVA Policy and Reference Book. The PEC meets monthly. All members are expected to be in attendance at all meetings. The Chair heads all Education Committee meetings.

PEC members should develop an informed understanding of the nature and operation of the school and other schools to guide them in their decision making. To assist them, all members will receive the CISVA Policy and Reference Book and the Sacred Heart Parent Handbook. All PEC members should become familiar with the contents of these books and should also be prepared to serve on subcommittees when necessary.

The Principal shall participate in meetings of the PEC and shall submit a written operational report. A Teaching Staff Representative may participate in these meetings (except for "in camera" sessions). Requests for non–members to speak at these meetings must be in writing and received by the Principal, Pastor and Chair at least seven days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Extra-ordinary meetings may be required and may be called by the Chair as needed. The PEC may also require several roles and various subcommittees. These may be permanent or temporary. Permanent role descriptions for the Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer are listed below.


The Chair

The Chair of the PEC is to work closely with the Pastor and the Principal. The responsibilities of the Chair are listed below.

  • Chair all meetings of the PEC;
  • Prepare a meeting agenda with Pastor and Principal;
  • Ensure that a quorum is present;
  • Ensure that policies and decisions of the PEC are executed;
  • Make available to members information that is distributed by the Central Office of the CISVA;
  • Process all correspondence on behalf of the committee;
  • Represent the PEC at Parish Council meetings;
  • Ensure that all duties of PEC officers are executed;
  • Be a signing officer on PEC documents.

The Vice-Chair

The Vice-Chair of the Education Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • To be acting Chair during the Chair‘s absence;
  • To be the Society delegate/representative;
  • To carry on any other duties as assigned.

The Treasurer

The Treasurer of the Education Committee is responsible to the PEC for reporting the receipt of all monies received by Sacred Heart School as income or disbursed for school expenditures on behalf of either the CISVA or Sacred Heart School. Other responsibilities of the Treasurer are:

  • Ensure that all monies described above are held and operated in bank accounts under the title of the CISVA or Sacred Heart School;
  • Share responsibility with the Pastor for the supervision of bank accounts under the above named titles;
  • Ensure that an effective accounting/bookkeeping system exists to properly and accurately record all financial transactions;
  • Be a signing officer on all Sacred Heart School bank accounts;
  • Monitor expenditures and receipts with regards to the budget.
  • Coordinate the preparation of an annual budget in consultation with the Pastor, other PEC members, office manager and the Principal;
  • Submit to PEC members a monthly printed financial report.

The Secretary

The secretary of the Education Committee has the following responsibilities.

  • Ensure proper and thorough reporting and documentation of all meetings;
  • Take attendance at all committee meetings;
  • Distribute to all members of the committee the minutes of the previous meeting;
  • Ensure minutes are received by members at least one week prior to meetings;
  • Collect reports from sub committees;
  • Reply to and process Education Committee correspondence in consultation with the Chair;
  • File all correspondence, minutes and reports.

Fundraising Representative

  • To oversee the fundraising in the school and to be a liaison between the two major fundraising committees (e.g. Dinner Dance Auction and Walkathon).
  • Bring proposals for fundraising to the PEC
  • Provide a monthly report to the PEC as needed

Parent Participation Representative

  • Coordinate and monitor the parent participation program including updating the parent participation forms included with the yearly registration package;
  • Communicate all pertinent information to the parents;
  • Consult with the Pastor, Chair and Principal regarding any parent requests for reduc-tion in hours;
  • Bill and follow-up with all families for non-fulfillment of participation hours and maintain communication with the office manager/bookkeeper
  • Provide a monthly report to the PEC as needed

Parish Liaison

  • Be a liaison between the parish and the school
  • Bring any parish news / concerns to the PEC
  • Provide a monthly report to the PEC as needed


Ex-officio of the PEC and Member of the Executive Committee


To attend PEC meetings and provide a monthly report to the PEC

For more information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Education Committee, please refer to the CISVA website at